Flyer for "Pink Tank," a project created by Aleksandra Mir and Polly Staple commissioned by Cubitt, London, published in conjunction with the show "Publicness" with Jens Haaning and Matthiew Laurette held at the Institute of Contemporary Art, London, January 29 - March 16, 2003. ... [details]
Poster published in conjunction with show "Naming Tokyo (Part II)," held at the Swiss Institute, New York, November 13 – December 20, 2003. Originally produced as a commission for Palais de Tokyo in Paris as part of the exhibition "GNS: Global Navigation System. ... [details]
Biography of Zoe Stillpass, the daughter of art collectors, as told through photographs, ephemera, and an interview between Aleksandra Mir and Zoe''s mother Karen Stillpass. Commissioned by Polly Staple, edited by Mir and Staple. ... [details]
Biography of Donald Cappy, the Manager of Public Safety on the CCAC [Dundee Contemporary Arts / Cubitt] campus where Aleksandra Mir was staying at the time. Includes an interview with Cappy by Mir and pictures of Cappy as well as selections of his childhood ephemera. ... [details]
Faux periodical / artist's publication published by Aleksandra Mir on September 11, 2002, on the occasion of her 35th birthday and the first anniversary of 9/11 in order to reclaim the day, featuring contributions from over 100 friends and colleagues. ... [details]