Artists' book documenting early attempts to bridge technology [telegrams, telex, telecopier], distance [Vancouver to Nova Scotia] and time [the four hour time zone change between the two cities]. Also, something of an early do-it-yourself attempt with N. ... [details]
Issue edited by Philip Leider. Essays "Les Levine: Business as Usual," by Jack Burnham; "Abstraction and Literalism: Reflections on Stella at the Modern," by Philip Leider; "An Ilya Bolotowsky Retrospective Travels the West," by Knute Stiles; "Clyfford Still and the Gothic Imagination," by Patrick McCaughey; "Some Notes on the Phenomenology of Making," by Robert Morris; "An Interview with Robert Rohm," by Ralph Pomeroy; "The Year 1200 at the Metropolitan," by William W. ... [details]