Inaugural issue of Womb, published by Joel Scher and edited by Dave Tamber. Art director: Robert Rosinek. Contents include: "Womb;" "Truth;" "He got by with some help from his friends" Dave Tambor on Dana Beal; "The Sperm Has Yet to Come," with an illustration by Robert Rosinek; "Federal Bureau of Insanity;" "Realm of Reality," by Barrie Lynne; "Mindfuck;" illustration by Carry Lewis; "Description of a Place," and "God Bless You! Even if He Doesn't Exist," by B. ... [details]
Vol. 1, No. 20 issue of Kiss. Contents include "Inter/Course," by Robert Rosinek about "Le Couple," by Nancy Spero; "Hollywood Babylon," by Kenneth Anger; "Rock Cock," by A. Minck; and "The Hippie I Had a Ball With," by Nadine Woolf. [details]
Issue edited by [Al Hansen]. Essays "Hollywood Babylon," by Kenneth Anger; "Wet Dreams," by Amalo; sculptures by Craig Kauffman and John McCracken; "Brink of Doom Comix," by Algernon Backwash and M. Rodriguez; "A History of America," by Bill Hutton; "Inter/Course," by Robert Rosinek; sculpture by Arnold Goldstein; "Beloved Ondine's Advice to the Shopworn," by Ondine; "Doctor Hip-Pocrates," by Eugene Schoenfeld. [details]
Issue edited by Al Goldstein. Contents include: "Off-Broadway's Raunchy New Hit by the 'Dirtiest' Man in Town!" by Jim Buckley; "A Behind-the-Scenes Look at the Women behind the Men behind the Pumps," by John Francis Hunter; "How I Gained a Steady Screw and Lost a Steady Fuck," by Marcia Blackman; "Homosexual Citizen : Coming Out at the Gay-In," by Lige & Jack; "Betty Dodson : Exhibition of Erotic Art," by Robert Rosinek; "The Sex Scene," edited by Ken Gaul; "Fuck Books : Tales of Head," by Peter Ogren; "Dirty Diversions," by Al Goldstein; "Naked City," by Peter Ogren; and "Shit List," by Jim Buckley. [details]
Issue edited by Joel Fabricant, Dean Latimer, and Peter Mikalajunas. Contents include: "Discipline Sixty-Nine," by Stanley H. Abrons; "Swingers Under Surveillance?," by D.A. Latimer; "Inter/Course," by Robert Rosinek illustrated with a painting by Herb Brown; Three pages marked "censored;" color centerfold "The Cock Book by Brigid Polk and Her Friends;" "Underground Confidential," by Andy Warhol; "Candy," a feature on Candy Darling with a photo by Jed Johnson; "Lit Krit Krevice," by Dr. ... [details]
Issue 27 of Kiss, published by Joel Fabrikant, edited by Tony Paycheck, format consulting by Al Hanson, and art direction by Alan Shenker. Contents include "Sex Astrology," by Edwina Thorsen; "Rock Cocks," by Angela Mink; "TV Guise;" "Intercourse," by Robert Rosinek, illustrated by Anita Steckel; "The Tick;" "Marilyn. ... [details]
Issue edited by Joel Fabrikant, Tony Paycheck and Al Hanson. Art direction by Alan Shenker. Contents include "Dyke," by Alison Abate with photograph by Retlaw Lederb; "Inter/Course," by Robert Rosinek, about "In Lyte of Love," by Noel Baggett. [details]
Contents include "Hollywood Babylon," by Kenneth Anger; "Book Review," by D.A. Latimer; "Mung," by D.A. Latimer; "Confessions of a Co-Ed;" "Beloved Ondine: Advice to the Shopworn;" "Inter-Course," by Robert Rosinek about "The Smile" by Albert Radoczy. [details]
Contents include "Bitching Space;" "Hollywood Babylon;" "Inter/Course," by Robert Rosinek; "Rock Cock;" "Beloved Ondine : Advice to the Shopworn;" "Grease," by R. A.; "Marybeth's Dreadful Ordeal;" and "Nude in Egyptian Tomb," by Peter Passuntino. [details]
Contents include an editorial; "Hollywood Babylon;" "Rock Cocks," by A. Mink; "Griselda's Story," by Staempfel and Antonia; "Inner/Course," by Robert Rosinek with art by George N. Morris; "Riding Log Sky Beam St. ... [details]