Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held December 12, 2000 - November 27, 2001. Texts by Mari Carmen Ramírez, Héctor Olea, Cuauhtémoc Medina, Tomàs Llorens Serra, Robert S. Lubar, Benedito Nunes, Ángel Rama, Marcelo Pacheco, Marta Traba, Olivier Debroise, Ariel Jiménez, Luis Enrique Pérez Oramas, Ana Maria Belluzzo, Paulo Herkenhoff, Guy Brett, Max Bense, Justo Pastor Mellado, and Guillermo Fantoni. ... [details]
Edited by Betsy Sussler. Essays "The Red Cloud," by Burt Barr; "The Children's Stories," by Jane Warrick; "Revolutionary Black Workers," by Felice Rosser; "Interview by Bradford Morrow," by Edouard Roditi; "The Birth Cave," by Susan Friedland; "Ferrements," by Aime Cesaire; "Sounds in the Distance," by David Wojnarowicz; "The Earth is a Sattelite of the Moon," by Philip Pocock and Leonel Rugama; "Portrait by Alf Young," by Taylor Meade; "In and Out," by Bob Perlongo; "Knife Story," by Paul Benney / Leslie Dick; "Skeleton," by Liz Cash / Jim Jarmusch; "Porcupines and Other Travesties," by Kiki Smith and Emily Listfield. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held June - October 1987. Essays by Leo Castelli, Roberto Littman, Calvin Tomkins, Robert Pincus-Witten, and Judith Goldman, and an interview between Castelli and Mary Jo Marks. ... [details]
Periodical on political art. Edited by Lucy R. Lippard, Herb Perr, Maggi Sutherland, and Irving Wexler. Essays "Editorial: Upfront Abroad In Memoriam," by Aaron Roseman; "Homeless in New York: The Art of Caring," edited by Maggi Sutherland; "Images of Displacement," by Elizabeth and Maggi Sutherland; "Coalition: We Want It, We Need It, We Ain't Got It. ... [details]