Comic book featuring "Untitled Page," by Robert Williams; "Hocus Pocus," by Victor Moscoso; "Joe Blow," by R. Crumb; "A Ball in the Bung Hole," by S. Clay Wilson; "The Supreme Constellation of Dormasintoria," by Robert Williams; "Wonder Wart-Hog, the Hog of Steel," by Gilbert Shelton; "Untitled page," by S. ... [details]
Issue edited by Tim Griffin. Essays "Editor's Letter: Critical Moments," by Tim Griffin; "Passages: Emily Apter on Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick," by Emily Apter; "Film: Gary Indiana on 'The Baader Meinhof Complex,'" by Gary Indiana; "Film: Amy Taubin on Claire Denis," by Amy Taubin; "Sound: Jay Sanders on Masaya Nakahara," by Jay Sanders; "Sound: Barry Schwabsky on Richard Hell," by Barry Schwabsky; "Top Ten," by Joshua Kit Clayton; "Fall 2009 Exhibitions: 50 Shows Worldwide"; "International News: Jeffrey Kastner talks with curators Jack Bankowsky and Alison M. ... [details]
"The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, America's oldest museum and school of fine arts, was founded in 1805. Today, the Academy boasts one of the nation's finest collections of American art and a roster of alumni representing the greatest artists this country has produced. ... [details]