Issue edited by John Coplans. Essays "Camera Lucida/Camera Obscura," by Annette Michelson; "Eisenstein on Mayakovsky," by Sergei Eisenstein; "Stan Brakhage: Four Films," by Paul Arthur; "The Third Meaning: Notes on Some of Eisenstein's Stills," by Roland Barthes; "'Scenes From Under Childhood,'" by Phoebe Cohen; "For God and Country," by Noël Carroll; "Montage 'October': Dialectic of the Shot," by Rosalind Krauss; "'Western History' and 'The Riddle of Lumen,'" by Fred Camper; "Stan and Jane Brakhage, Talking," by Hollis Frampton; "Brakhage Filmography," by Joyce Rheuban. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held January 22 - March 18, 2000. Introduction, "Eisenstein's Contour Lines as Marks of Quotation," by Catherine de Zegher. Includes "How I learned to Draw (A Chapter about My Dancing Lessons)," by Sergei M. ... [details]
Anthology of writings by Stan Brakhage, with introductions by Robert Creeley, Edward Dorn, and Guy Davenport. Features essays on George Melies, David Wark Griffith, Carl Theodore Dreyer, Sergei Eisenstein, Charlie Chaplin, Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy, Buster Keaton, Jean Vigo, Dr. ... [details]
Edited by Jeremy Gilbert-Rolfe, Rosalind Krauss, and Annette Michelson. Essays "Notes for a Film of Capital," by Sergei Eisenstein; "Reading Eisenstein Reading Capital," by Annette Michelson; "Film About a Woman Who. ... [details]
Edited by Rosalind Krauss and Annette Michelson. Essays "An Introduction to the Notebook of Maya Deren, 1947," by Catrina Neiman; "An Exchange of Letters," by Maya Deren and Gregory Bateson; "From the Notebook of 1947," by Maya Deren; "On Reading Deren's Notebook," by Annette Michelson; "Letters from Mexico," by Sergei Eisenstein; "Bayreuth: The Centennial Ring," by Annette Michelson; "Chéreau's Treachery," by Jean-Jacques Nattiez and Pierre Boulez; "A Conversation," by Michel Fano. [details]