Two sided postcard / announcement published in conjunction with show held December 4, 1991 - January, 1992. Curated by Kenny Schachter. "One of his earliest exhibitions, ''''Unlearning,'''' sought precisely to turn the prevailing construct upside down. ... [details]
Small-scale publication on the work of German-born architect Simon Ungers. Text by Henry Urbach. Profusely illustrated in black-and-white and color with images of architectural projects and designs executed by Ungers, accompanied by brief descriptions. ... [details]
A survey of contemporary architecture published in 1982. "Anyone interested in sorting out the diversities and complexities of contemporary architecture - and in speculating on the future shape of contemporary architecture - and in speculating on the future shape of our homes and cities - will enjoy this spirited, up-to-the-minute book. ... [details]