Singe sided program for films presented at Film-Makers' Cinematheque on November 30, 1964. Films presented included "Newsreel" by Andy Warhol, "Chumlum" by Ron Rice, "The Directions of Harry Hooton" by Dick Preston, "Thigh Line Lyre Triangular" by Stan Brakhage, "Nightspring Daystar" by David Brooks, "A Movie" and "Cosmic Ray" by Bruce Conner, and "Senseless" by Rice. [details]
Program / calendar of events for "The Pop Festival" held in April - May, 1963 held in connection with the "Popular Image Exhibition," organized by the Washington Gallery of Modern Art, Washington, D.C. ... [details]
Issue edited by Michael R. Goldstein. Cover stories include "Forcade: Suicide of a Media 'Genius'" by Jane Perlez; "Margaret Mead 1901-1978: America's Anthropologist," articles by Stanley Regelson, Ruth Nanda Anshen, and Gerald Marzorati; "The Redlining Case Against the Dime," by Peter Freiberg; "Rock Decadence - Genesis, Queen," by Allan Platt and Roy Trakin; "'Delirious' at the Guggenheim," by David Hershkovits. ... [details]
Three staple bound sheet press release announcing the initial four programs of the Film Makers' Cinematheque held on November 30, 1964 (films by Andy Warhol, Ron Rice, Dick Preston, Stan Brakhage, David Brooks, Bruce Conner); December 7, 1964 (an evening of films by Warhol including "Eat," "13 Most Beautiful Women," "Banana Sequence" and "many others"); December 14, 1964 (films by Stan Brakhage, David Brooks, Bruce Conner, Robert Nelson, Storm de Hirsch, Charles Levine, Carl Linder, Bob Fleishner); and December 21, 1964 (films by Warhol, Robert Breer, George Landow, Marie Menken, Naomi Levine, Charles Boultenhouse, and Ken Jacobs). ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held at Cincinnati Art Museum, February 8 - March 12, 1944. Traveled to Denver Art Museum, March 26 - April 23, 1944 ; Seattle Art Museum, May 7 - June 10, 1944 ; Santa Barbara Museum of Art, June - July, 1944 ; San Francisco Museum of Art, July, 1944. ... [details]
Issue edited by Ingrid Sischy. Essays "Figuring it Out," by Klaus Kertess; "Visions and Re-Visions," by Moira Roth; "Slouch Stretch Smile Leap," by Carol Squiers; "Lisa Lyons," by Robert Mapplethorpe; "Editorial," by Ingrid Sischy; 'Action and Abstraction," by Mary Delahoyd; "Carolee Schneemann: The Woman Who Uses Her Body as Her Art," by Ted Castle; "The Doctors," by Stanley B. ... [details]
Spring 1975 issue of the arts and letters periodical Stooge. Edited by Geoffrey Young and Laura Chester. Contributions by Francis Picabia, Stan Rice, Mowry Baden, Tom Clark, Kathy Acker, Anselm Hollo, David Benedetti, Stephen Rodefer, Jim Gustafson, Laura Chester, Russell Edson, Summer Brenner, F. ... [details]