1984 issue of High Performance, The Performance Art Quarterly, edited by Linda Frye Burnham. Contents include: "Laurie Anderson Goes for the Throat," by Mark Dery; "The Why and How of Collaboration," by Susan Block; "Pat Oleszko," by Carl Heyward; "The Evolution of Obsession," by Margot Mifflin, Yayoi Kusama Interviewed on Her Psychosomatic Art; "Linda Burnham Reports;" "Performance in the '80s: The TV Generation: Lin Hixson, Molly Cleator, Tim Miller" by Jacki Apple; "Glamour as Environmental Art," by Moe Meyer; "Michael Kelley," by Kathi Norklun; "From a Whisper to a Shout: Suzanne Lacy Talks About a Network for Women's Voices," by Margot Mifflin; "The Catalist Olympics," by Lewis MacAdams; "In Dogged Pursuit of the World's Greatest Artist," by Linda Burnham; "The D. ... [details]
1986 issue of High Performance, The Performance Art Quarterly, edited by Steven Durland. Contents include: "Nuevo Latino!: Introduction to a Celebration of Latino art," by Steven Durland; "A New Artistic Continent," by Guillermo Gómez-Peña; "The Artist as Citizen," by Emily Hicks; "Art with a Chicano Accent," by Linda Burnham, Steven Durland, and Lewis MacAdams; "Regina Vater, Marie-Judite dos Santos, Catalina Parra," by Robert C. ... [details]
"Why Are 100 Artists' Spaces Like a Burlap Bag Full of Bobcats? Tacit" by Steven Durland, "A Report on Artspaces Ill" by Janet (McCambridge) Ventura, "Kerouac Is Alive! The Jack Kerouac Festival at Naropa" by Lewis MacAdams, "Performance Art in the San Francisco International Theater Festival" by Linda Burnham, "Fire Dancers and Fibre Optics : Belgium's Banlieue" by Mark Dery, "The Law and The Power : Illegal performance discussed by Lewis MacAdams," "Sitting on Moving Steel "by Michael Ventura, "American Splendor," by Harvey Pekar, "Somebody Being Somebody" by Diane Gage and Constance Rawlings, NEW YORK SECTION : ARTSPACES : "Franklin Furnace : Linda Burnham interviews Martha Wilson and Bill Gordh," "The Kitchen : HIGH PERFORMANCE interviews Howard Halle," "A's" by Arleen Schloss and Linda Burnham, DOCUMENTS : N. ... [details]