Exhibition catalogue and series of letters to young women artists published in conjunction with the Feminist Art Festival at the California Institute of the Arts, Valencia, 1974. Edited by Miriam Schapiro, Sherry Brody, Molly Rhodes, and Lelia Amalfitano. ... [details]
Exhibition brochure published in conjunction with "Bad Girls," a two part exhibition: Part I held January 14 - February 27, 1994 and Part II held March 5 - April 10, 1994. Organized by Marcia Tucker. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held November 21, 2006 - May 20, 2007. Curated by Maria de Corral and Charles Wylie. Edited and with contributions by Maria de Corral and John R. ... [details]
Issue number two of the bi-annually published periodical F.R. David. Edited by Ann Demeester, Will Holder and Dieter Roelstraete. Designed by Will Holder. Essays "The Plastic and the Poetic Form," by Goethe; "Ian Hamilton Finlay, an Illustrated Essay," by Stephen Bann; "Poetry as a Means for the Structuring of a Social Environment," by Eugen Gomringer; "Ici, le langage brille par son absence," by Jérôme Peignot; John & Yoko meet Experimental Jetset meet Marinetti; "Essex," by Matt Mullican; "Voiceless Alters of Flesh," by Steven Shearer; "Rundschreiben," by Martin Bormann; "A Lot of Searching Went into these Words," by Marc Nagtzaam; "The Location of A Circle," by Sol LeWitt; "Untitled," by Scott Myles; "The Votes Under My Bed," by Barry Johnston; "Bourgeois Poetry," by Kasper Andreassen; "What a. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with "Artists Make Toys" exhibition held at The Clocktower, New York, January 1 - 25, 1975. Artist include Laurie Anderson, Jared Bark, Trisha Brown, Chris Burden, Scott Burton, John Chamberlain, Angus Chamberlain, Enrique Castro-Cid, Cara Croninger, Brad Davis, Jean Dupuy, Steve Gianakos, Charles Ginnever, Michael Goldberg, Peter Gourfain, James Grashow, Marty Greenbaum, Bob Grosvenor, Susan Hall, Sue Hartnett, Peter Hutchinson, Bob Israel, Laurace James, Kurt Kranz, Robert Kushner, Jeffrey Lew, Les Levine, Kim MacConnel, Christa Maiwald, Gordon Matta-Clark, Richard Mock, Ree Morton, Frosty Myers, Max Neuhaus, Richard Nonas, Claes Oldenburg, Gary Perkins, Howardina Pindell, Lucio Pozzi, Italo Scanga, Willougby Sharp, Alan Shields, Charles Simonds, Marjorie Strider, George Sugarman, Don Sunseri, Richard Tuttle, Richard Van Buren, Bob Watts, Susan Weil, Hannah Wilke and Joe Zucker. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held September 30 - November 7, 1991. Interview with artist by Sue Scott. [details]
Survey of the work of L.A. based artists before 1980. Edited by Lyn Kienholz with contributing editors Elizabeta Betinski and Corinne Nelson. Includes appendix. "'L.A. Rising SoCal Artists Before 1980' is the first comprehensive pictorial showcase of the diverse universe of artists working in the Los Angeles area during the formative period of Los Angeles' art history. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held November 19 - December 23, 2004. Includes essay by Sue Scott and text by Lucy Raven. [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held November 10 - December 30, 1995. Essay by Mel Watkin. Artists include Larry Krone, Sally Alatalo, David Sandlin, Alfredo Jaar, Julie Chen, William Harroff, D. ... [details]
Catalogue produced to chronicle the work produced by participants of Triangle Artists' Workshop 1990, an artists' retreat. Foreword by Joseph Masheck. Artists include Vivienne Dadour, Stephen Williams, Robert Christie, Clay Ellis, Robert Scott, Wendy Skog, Vincent Gontier, Marielle Tabart, Chabani Cyril Manganyi, Salvador Juanpere, Paul Caro, Peter Hide, Simon Hiscock, Jon Isherwood, Gillian Ord, Mary Collins, Nadine Delawrence, Dan Devine, Ava Gerber, Ron Gorchov, Berj Krikorian, Rodger Mack, Saul Ostrow, Susan Roth, Erik Saxon, Sandi Slone, Robert Sussman, Marjorie Welish, Brenda Zlamany, Adam Madebe, Anthony Caro, Helen Frankenthaler, Michael Fried, Sheila Girling, Archie Rand, Frank Stella, Stephen Westfall, and Karen Wilkin. ... [details]