Spring 1977 issue of The Dumb Ox, a quarterly journal edited by James Hugunin and Theron Kelley. Contents include: "Untitled," by John Lanzone; "Acknowledgements;" "Introduction," by J. Hugunin; "A Talk with Ed Ruscha," interview by Gary Lloyd; "Pinocchio," by Claus Boehmler; "The Designated Blank Book," by Loren D. Calaway; "Untitled," by Ronald Earl Michaelson; "Radiated Beef," by Gary Lloyd; "Jock Strap," by John White; "Lesson," by Jaroslaw Kozlowski; "The Books of Scores," by Bruce Fier; "Falling Apart," by Suzanne Lacy; "Passport," by Susan E. King; "Unraveling," by Penelope Suess; "Five Stories," by Lucio Pozzi; "SAT," by Dwight Chrissmass; "Constructs," by Richard Kostelanetz; "Artists' Books: primers of visual literacy," by Joan Hugo; "Trysts and Misses," by S. Moore; "Distribution," by John Alexander; "The Rat Book," by Kim Jones; "For the Art Historian," by Francis Brown; "Do-It-Yourself Interview," with Maurice Tuchman; "1": 1,000,000," stories by S. Young; "Untitled," by Frank Mayer; "Jaguar," by Gary Brown; "Tattoo," by J. Jacobs and G. Miller; "Rare Books," by Ken Friedman; "Women's Graphic Center," by Helen Alm Roth; "Women and the Printing Arts," by Penelope Suess; "La Mamelle," by Carl Loeffler; "Reviews: Michael Snow, Bart Thrall, Karen Shaw, Larry Bell and Guy Cointet, John Lanzone, Vaughan Rachel, Mike Mandel, Suzanne Lacy, 'Fundamental Aspects of Modernism' at Cal State Northridge, John Candavier, 'Documenta;'" and "Artists' Books: a selected bibliography of catalogues and exhibitions." Front Cover: "8 x 10," by Lew Thomas. Back Cover: "Untitled," by John Lanzone.