Three serialized articles by Tom Wolfe titled "The World of LSD," and Ken Kesey and his "mystic brother," published in New York : The World Journal Tribune Magazine, January 29, 1967; February 5, 1967; and February 12, 1967. ... [details]
Coloring book featuring single page black-and-white drawings by contemporary artists. Forewords by Peter Schjeldahl and Robert Rosenblum. Artists include: Ed Albers, Matt Baumgardner, Carroll Dunham, Michael Hurson, Alex Katz, Jan Frank, Lisa Kirk, Sol LeWitt, McDermott & McGough, James Nares, Allen Ruppersberg, Kenny Scharf, Alan Shields, Gary Stephan, Donald Sultan, Tom Wesselman, Robin Winters, Polly Apfelbaum, Peter Astrom, Donald Baechler, Richard Bosman, George Condo, Robert Cumming, Eric Fischl, Steve Gianakos, April Gornik, Keith Haring, Jan Hashey, Edward Henderson, Jane Kaplowitz, Lois Lane, Elizabeth Murray, Alexis Rockman, David Salle, Terry Winters and Steve Wolfe. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held June 4 - July 17, 2010. Curated by James Cavello. Text by James Cavallo, Max Liljefors, and Harold Rosenberg. Excerpted texts by Tom Wolfe, Jean-Jacques Lebel, and Dore Ashton. ... [details]
A chronology of No! Art exhibitions, with biographies of the artists that were involved. Includes work or contributions of text by Brian O'Doherty, Harold Rosenberg, Thomas B. Hess, Tom Wolfe, Marcel Yanco, Dore Ashton, Gerard Gassiot-Talabot, Gregory Battcock, Mario de Micheli, Jean Toche, Lil Picard, Wolf Vostell, and others. ... [details]
April 1975 issue of Harper's Magazine. Edited by Robert Shnayerson, with written contributions by David K. Shipler, Dennis Troute, Helen Lawrenson, Benjamin Barber, John Gardner, Jack Richardson, Charles Nicol, Robert Penn Warren, William F. ... [details]
The classic critical text by Tom Wolfe. "From the fuliginous flatness of the fifties to the pop op minimal sixties, right on through the now-you-see-it-now-you-don't seventies, Tom Wolfe debunks the great American myth of modern art in an incandescent, hilarious and devastating blast. ... [details]