A survey of contemporary architecture published in 1982. "Anyone interested in sorting out the diversities and complexities of contemporary architecture - and in speculating on the future shape of contemporary architecture - and in speculating on the future shape of our homes and cities - will enjoy this spirited, up-to-the-minute book. ... [details]
"L'Architecture et L'Avant-Garde Artistique en Urss de 1917 a 1934" double Issue : No. 7-8 / Spring and Summer, 1972. Includes texts by Francesco Dal Co, Manfredo Tafuri, Vittorio Feo, Giorgio Ciucci, Marco De Michelis, Françoise Very, Giorgio Kraiski, Vieri Quilici, Bruno Cassetti, Ilya Ehrenbourg, Sergei Tretiakov, Nicolaj Ladovskij, Dokoutchaief, Bounine et Krouglovoj, Ruchljadev et Krinsky, Henrik Berlage, George Grosz, Lurçat, Paul Nizan. ... [details]