Magazine of New Music. Essays: "Edito," by Iris Brooks; "Animated Rhythms Tunes for Toons," by Neil Strauss; "Scoring in the Studio," by Richard Einhorn; "Bach to the Future: Glenn Gould's Contraptual Radio," by Nancy Canning; "New Faces, Sofia Gubaidulina," interview by Jody Dalton; "Private Ear," by Howard Mandel; "Following in Barishnikov's Footsteps: The Sound Art of Vannessa Ament," by Richard Kadrey; "Musical Mosaics: Film Composer Wendy Blackstone Breaks the Mold," interview by Howard Mandel; "Mark Isham: This Side of Paradise," by Brad Balfour; "David Fanshawe: Musical Mariner," interview by R.I.P. Hayman and Iris Brooks; "Cleveland Publc Theater Sound Festival," by Charlotte Pressler; "Seattle Spring Festival," by Fred Haupton; "Eareviews: Books," by Larry Birnbaum, Carle VP Groome, and R.I.P. Hayman; "Eareviews: Performances" by Carle VP Groome, Robert Hambrecht, and Lois Vierk; "Eareviws: Records," by Andrew Caploe, Tony Coulter, Lauren Oliver, Brooke Wentz and Kevin Whitehead; Eareviews: CDs," by Kent Devereaux, R.I.P. Hayman, Dean Suzuki and Kevin Whitehead; "Eareviews: Cassetes," Charles S. Russell; "Whatever Happened to Great Movie Music?" by Elmer Bernstein. Cover photograph of Wendy Blackstone by Dan Salzmann.