A critical anthology on Super Realism edited by Gregory Battcock. Essays "The Real Thing," by Gerrit Henry; "Rent is the Only Reality, or the Hotel Instead of the Hymns," by Ivan Karp; "The Deductive Image," by J. ... [details]
April 1973 issue of Arts Magazine. Cover features Richard Serra's "Shift." Contributors include Andrei Boris Nakov, Jean-Claude Bonne, Willis Domingo, William C. Lipke, Cindy Nemser, Richard Serra, Rosalind Krauss, Jack Burnham, Howard Fried, Dan Graham, Bruce Boice, John Loring, Cara Montgomery, Paul Stitleman, Rosemary Mayer, Robert Pancoast Smith, Jane Bell, Ellen Lubell, Bill Dykes, Nancy Murray, Judith Tannenbaum, Andre Mikotajuk, and Gordon Brown. ... [details]