Gay Ways '69 New York
  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • loose leaves
  • black-and-white
  • 43 x 29 cm.
  • 20 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

Gay Ways '69 New York

New York Mattachine Newsletter / (December 1969)

Bruce King, Jack Mitchell, Paul Ritchard, B. Ryan, Price Dickenson

Gay Ways '69 New York


December 1969 issue of Gay Ways, edited by Bruce King. Contents include: "From the Editor - What - Another Gay Newspaper?," by Bruce King; "Ballerina Slaps Rudy Back;" "Sex and the Motorcyclist;" "College Year Book Features Nude Pictures of Seniors;" "King's Reviews: Films, Theatre, Books," by Bruce King; "Beards Win Out!;" "Prince Philip's Sour Notes to Singer;" "Actor's Son Found Guilty of Violating Draft Law;" "Fashion - Low Cleavage for Hairy Men;" "The Crossways of Sex," by B. Ryan; "Gay-Ways '69 New York City Directory;" "The Crossways of Sex;" "Joey Bishop TV Show - Drag Contest;" "Italian Sex Film;" "Met's Pitcher Buys Fur Coat;" "Gay Scenes: CBS TV Polls;" "Federal Panel Urges Homosexual Reforms," Price Dickenson, editor; "The Homosexual and the Law;" "Gay is (Very) Good;" "News from the Far, Far West;" "Milne at V Senses Club;" "VID Hears MSNY;" "Crackdown on Smut;" "The Gay Vote - 1969;" "Hub Hears Humphreys;" "Ercho Fall Meeting;" "Random Thoughts;" "Sweet Music: Letters to an Out-of-Town Lover;" "Dining Out;" "News from Penna.;" "Gay Singles Discussion Group:" "Odds and Ends;" "Reviews: Books & Films;" "Gayways Goes to a Happening," by Bruce King; "D.D.'s New York," by D.D.; and "Cock N' Bull: Personal Ad Section." Cover photograph by Jack Mitchell, cover designed by Paul Ritchard.

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