Winter / Spring 1985 issue of the periodical "Wedge." Edited by Phil Mariani and Brian Wallis. Essays "In the Shadow of the West," by Edward Said; "Liza Bear's Foreign Movie," by Mavis Jenkins; "Document 1: Free World," by unattributed artists; "Document 2: National Interest," by unattributed artists; "Letter to Jane (Investigation of an Image)," by Jean-Luc Godard and Jean-Pierre Gorin; "The Role of My Family in the World Revolution," by Gary Indiana; "Document 3: Public Consent," by unattributed artists; "Document 4: Free Market," by unattributed artists; "U.S. Interventionism: Reality and Rhetoric," by Edward S. Herman; "Conservatism and Capitalist Crisis," by Jurgen Habermas; "Time and Money," by Barbara Kruger; "Document 5: Public Safety," by unattributed artists; "Document 6: Armed Minorities," by unattributed artists; "In the collection of... ," by Allan McCollum; "Document 7: Containment," by unattributed artistst; "Document 8: Loyal Ally," by unattributed artists; "Americanism for Export," by Victoria de Grazia; "Tourism," by Laurie Simmons; "Five Things (after whose destruction A. will be free)," by Suzanne Jackson; "Document 9: Pacification," by unattributed artists; "Document 10: Aid," by unattributed artists; "Sa(l)vages of Femininity/Domestic Slaves," by Silvia Kolbowski; "Darkest England: Exploration of a Metaphor," by Michael Eaton; "Document 11: Stabilization," by unattributed artists; "Document 12: Recovery," by unattributed artists; "Transparency: The Highest Stage of Bank Architecture," by John Strauss; "As the World Burns," by Rosa Club; "Can the Subaltern Speak? Speculations on Widow-Sacrifice," by Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak.