First issue of E.A.T. NEWS, a newsletter published by Experiments in Art and Technology (E.A.T), January 15, 1967.
"E.A.T. NEWS is designed to reach everyone interested in the activities of Experiments in Art and Technology, Inc. (E.A.T.). As you probably know, E.A.T. was formed out of the collaborative effort between artists, engineers and sponsors that resulted in "9 Evenings of Theater and Engineering" at the Armory last October. During the work for the "9 Evenings" it became clear to everyone that if a useful artist - engineer relationship is to be achieved, a major effort must be made to set up the physical conditions for this to happen. The worlds of the artist and the engineer are simply too different for a working relationship to develop purely out of the artist's desire for contact. We also felt strongly that the collaboration can only be fruitful if the artist's environment is not drastically changed, if the contact with the engineers rapidly results in a practical working situation and if the possibility to work with a professional engineer is open to every artist who wishes to do so. This first issue of E.A.T. NEWS describes what we plan to do with E.A.T. and how we hope it will function. The setting up of a practical organization like E.A.T. will necessarily rely on the experience derived during the.formative period. The thought behind E.A.T. is that the organization should be generous, adaptable and helpful.
This first issue of E.A.T. NEWS contains a description of the proposed purpose and function of E.A.T., a list of those who are contributing their time and effort to organize E.A.T., the equipment, built originally for "9 Evenings" and which has a use that far exceeds these performances, will be in part described, a report on the recruiting of engineers from other industries, a report from the meeting at the Central Plaza and a description of our immediate plans for a place in New York.
This issue will necessarily be somewhat crammed with facts. In the future, we hope that E.A.T. NEWS will find a more organic form. For instance, in the next issue Cecil Coker will describe some of the engineering experiences from "9 Evenings" which we believe are of general interest to collaborative efforts elsewhere.." -- from the cover