"This detailed and carefully reasoned study of the domestic architecture of Mies van der Rohe is a landmark contribution to contemporary understanding of the great architect's work. It is devoted to a close analysis of Mie's residential architecture, built and unbuilt, from 1923 to 1951. many of its conclusions are pertinent to the whole of Mie's output. Mies himself gave his villa and country house projects a high priority. 'The problem that occupied Mie here,' writes Dr. Tegethoff, ' was primarily one of space : how to organize it, open it, and relate it to the landscape so that...the spatial needs of modern man might be met.' This book presents penetrating discussions of both the Concrete and the Brick Country House projects, two of the famous Five Projects of the 1920s that made Mie's early reputation; and, among others, the Lange and Esters Houses of 1927 - 30; the Barcelona Pavilion and Tugendhat House of 1928 - 30; and, in America, plans for a house in Wyoming for Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Resor, and the Farnsworth House of 1946 - 51. The analysis and the illustrations demonstrate a continuous development toward realization of the goal Mies himself described : 'To bring Nature, houses and people together into a higher unity.' The original German-language edition of this book accompanied an exhibition organized by the Kaiser Wilhelm Museum, Krefeld, in conjunction with the Mies van der Rohe Archive of The Museum of Modern Art, New York, on the occasion of the public opening of the restored Lange and Esters Houses, now owned by the Kaiser Wilhelm Museum. All of the works exhibited are reproduced in this volume. Dr. Tegethoff's treatise, based on extensive research in the Mies Archive and other sources, brings to light much new information on the origins of Mie's ideas, his working methods and relationships with clients, as well as the actual planning and structure of the houses." -- from interior flap. Forewords by Gerhard Storck and Arthur Drexler. Text by Wolf Tegethoff. Translated by Russell M. Stockman. Includes bibliography and catalogue of the drawings. Printed in black-and-white and color.