Issue number 111 of New Observations: "The Magazine that Lets the Artists Speak for Themselves." Guest edited by Holger Drees. Essays "Introduction," by Holger Drees; "Seeing Silence with One's Ears," by Michael Glasmeier; "Sound in the Environment," by Christina Kubisch; "Fictional Nature: Christina Kubisch," by Helga de la Motte-Haber; "Dobei Radio," by Kazumasa Mitsui; "Shlomo Koren," by Maike van Stiphout; "The Sunseeker," by Ulrich Westerfrölke; "Bio-Morph I & II," by Shigenobu Yoshida; "Lucciola," by Francesco Mariotti & Klaus Geldmacher; "Autonomous Solar Sculptures," by Francesco Mariotti; "Arts and Technology," by David Cranswick; "Solar Powered Drawing Machine," by Cameron Robbins; "The Offshore Solar Hydrogen Farm," by Holger Drees; "Putting the Land Back to Trees," by Beth Fields; "The Ecological Greenhouse," by Avital Geva; "Solar Gardening: Light and Life," by Richard Thomas; "Autumnal Equinox," by Sabine Russ; "Solar Spectrum: The Harvard Business School Chapel," by Charles Ross; "Nature Shows its True Appearance with the Passage of Time," by Hitoshi Nomura; "Parallel Worlds," by Catherine Clover; "Thomas Schönauer," by Holger Drees; "James Darling," by Andrew Holloway; "Tent for Mr. Laaste, The Eel Fisherman," by Charles Citron; "Videos - Tomorrow & L'eau du Soleil," by Holger Drees. Cover: Francesco Mariotti.