Edited by Rosalind Krauss, Annette Michelson, Douglas Crimp, Craig Owens, David Deitcher, and Lawanda Still. Essays "Observations on the Long Take What Is Neo-Zhdanovism and What Is Not," by Pier Paolo Pasolini; "Pasolini: Murder of a Dissident," by Maria-Antonietta Macciocchi; "Merde Alors," by Leo Bersani and Ulysse Dutoit; "Poststructuralism and the "Paraliterary," " by Rosalind Krauss; "On the Museum's Ruins," by Douglas Crimp; "The Allegorical Impulse: Toward a Theory of Postmodernism (Part 2)," by Craig Owens; "Against Intellectual Complexity in Music," by Michael Nyman; " "Son of a Bitch": Feminism, Humanism, and Science in Alien," by James H. Kavanaugh; "Acknowledgements for a Book Not Yet Begun," by Leo Steinberg.