Issue edited by Herbert George. Essays "Brief Tales," by Wendy Walker; "Plot," by Vito Acconci; "Project for Five Wells Descending a Hillside," by Alice Aycock; "To Be Compared with Your Own Experience," by Jiri Kolar; "Playing at Acting," by Jiri Kolar; "A Statement," by Rudolf Baranik; "74 Characteristics of the World," by Alan Sondheim; "Characterizations of the Word," by Alan Sondheim; "Peril," by Dorothy Alexander; "Discourse," by Jud Fine; "Painting and Its Double," by Marc Devade; "On Some Criticisms of My Criticism, with Particular Regard to Those of the Confessional and Exculpatory Variety," by Jeremy Gilbert-Rolfe; "Untitled," by Robert J. Horivitz; "Billy Builder, or The Painfull Machine," by Carl Andre. Includes contributor's biographies. Cover: Alice Aycock.