Inaugural issue of Experiments in Art and Technology (E.A.T.)'s newspaper TECHNE. Includes "Some More Begunnings," a report in the exhibition of the same name held at the Brooklyn Museum, November 26, 1968 - January 5, 1969; "Expo '70 Project;" "Interview with Max Neuhaus and Ted Wolff," by Simone Whitman; "Naum Gabo's 'Kinetic Sculpture': Construction and Reconstruction," texts by Naum Gabo and Witt Wittnebert; "Laser: Beam: Joint," by Richard C. Honey; "Standing Loope of Limp String," by Niels O. Young; "Pond," by Eric Rawson; "Art Out into Technology 1932," by Vladimir Tatlin; "Art and Technology 1969," by John Cage; "projects," texts by Pete Seeger , Robert Morris, Jean Dupuy, Carl Andre, and Robert Rauschenberg. "As an important link in focusing activities and experience, discussing projects, exchanging ideas, and stimulating large-scale involvement, E.A.T. has decided to publish a newspaper, TECHNE, of which this is the first issue. 'Techne' is the Greek word for both art and technology involving the physical activity of doing things rather than theoretical or conceptual activity. Contents of TECHNE will center around projects, processes, and physical problems and the opportunities presented by the relationship between rapidly expanding technology and the individual." -- publisher's statement