Issue edited by Charles Harrison. Essays "Notes Towards Art Work," by Charles Harrison; "Technology and Art 11: Holography and Interference," by Jonathan Benthall; "Barnett Newman," by Barbara Reise; "Chartres and Jericho," by Barnett Newman; "Barnett Newman," by Donald Judd; "Art of the South Seas," by Barnett Newman; "Happenings in Prague," by Eugen Brikcius. "New York Commentary," by Dore Ashton; "London Commentary," by Peter Layton, Sarah Whitfield, Dennis Duerden, and Frank Whitford. Correspondence by Joseph Kosuth, Chris Whittaker, Mel Bochner, Roy Ascott, and Richard Larter. Includes "News and Notes" and "On Exhibition: a Selection from Current and Forthcoming Exhibitions." Cover: photograph of Barnett Newman by Alexander Liberman.