Issue number two of the bi-annually published periodical F.R. David. Edited by Ann Demeester, Will Holder and Dieter Roelstraete. Designed by Will Holder. Essays "The Plastic and the Poetic Form," by Goethe; "Ian Hamilton Finlay, an Illustrated Essay," by Stephen Bann; "Poetry as a Means for the Structuring of a Social Environment," by Eugen Gomringer; "Ici, le langage brille par son absence," by Jérôme Peignot; John & Yoko meet Experimental Jetset meet Marinetti; "Essex," by Matt Mullican; "Voiceless Alters of Flesh," by Steven Shearer; "Rundschreiben," by Martin Bormann; "A Lot of Searching Went into these Words," by Marc Nagtzaam; "The Location of A Circle," by Sol LeWitt; "Untitled," by Scott Myles; "The Votes Under My Bed," by Barry Johnston; "Bourgeois Poetry," by Kasper Andreassen; "What a...?" by Kurt Schwitters; "'Useless' Knowledge," by Bertrand Russell; "'...eight hunched words.'" by OmniPage Pro; "3poems (for Elly)," by Samuel Nyholm; "Dear, Dear Wies," by James Lee Byars; "Reading the Unreadable," by Margriet Schavemaker; "Yes, But is it Edible?" by Robert Ashley; "Modern Man Must..." by Jan Tschichold & Ann-Sofie Thomsen; "Lower Gallery," by Enrico David; "Sweathertz," by Adam Avikainen; "True Mirror," by Dexter Sinister; "The Famous Last Words," by Paul Sietsema; "Reading Godard, Reading on, Cerith Wyn Evans and Reading, Malcolm X in no particular order," by Adam Pendleton; "Sounds and Signs," Hugo Cole; "Elephants Galore," by Sue Tompkins; "Die Diktatur der Kunst," by Jonathan Meese; "The Absence of Absolute Freedom," by Matias Faldbakken; "Jeff Koons is a Victim," by Jeff Koons; various works by David Thorpe. "Published twice-yearly by 'de Appel' arts centre, Amersterdam - F.R. David focuses on the 'status' of (reading and) writing in contemporary art practice. Writing as a mode that informs and feeds, supports and describes, backs up and interprets, comments and reflects upon contemporary artistic production. Writing as 'the core material' of a number of visual artists but equally as a mode that exists parallel to or in service of the visual." -- publisher's statement.