The Living Theatre Presents A Concert of New Music
  • ephemera
  • mimeograph
  • black-and-white
  • 27.9 x 21.5 cm.
  • [1] PP.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered

The Living Theatre Presents A Concert of New Music

Allan Kaprow, George Brecht, Robert Rauschenberg, Ray Johnson, Dorothy Podber, Richard Maxfield, John Cage, Al Hansen, John Herbert McDowell, Nicola Cernovich, James Waring

The Living Theatre Presents A Concert of New Music


Single page program for "A Concert of New Music" held March 14, 1960. Features "Sound Piece 1958" by Allan Kaprow; "Card Piece for Voice" by George Brecht; "Telephone Music" by Robert Rauschenberg; "A sequence of stuttering records from the Ray Johnson / Dorothy Podber Collection"; "Symphonie Pastorale" by Richard Maxfield; "Suite for Toy Piano" by John John Cage; "Bibbe's Tao" by Al Hansen; "Cough Music" by Maxfield; "Music for a While" by John Herbert McDowell; "Imaginary Landscape No. 5" by Cage; and "Candle Piece for Radios" by Brecht. Also incorporated construction in lobby, "The Hep Amazon" by Al Hansen. Program arranged by Nicola Cernovich and James Waring.


14.3.60, No. 1 in "Happening & Fluxus" by Hans Sohm, Harald Szeemann. Cologne, Germany : Koelnischer Kunstverein, 1970, unpaginated.
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