Single page program for "A Concert of New Music" held March 14, 1960. Features "Sound Piece 1958" by Allan Kaprow; "Card Piece for Voice" by George Brecht; "Telephone Music" by Robert Rauschenberg; "A sequence of stuttering records from the Ray Johnson / Dorothy Podber Collection"; "Symphonie Pastorale" by Richard Maxfield; "Suite for Toy Piano" by John John Cage; "Bibbe's Tao" by Al Hansen; "Cough Music" by Maxfield; "Music for a While" by John Herbert McDowell; "Imaginary Landscape No. 5" by Cage; and "Candle Piece for Radios" by Brecht. Also incorporated construction in lobby, "The Hep Amazon" by Al Hansen. Program arranged by Nicola Cernovich and James Waring.