Edited by General Idea, AA Bronson, Jorge Zontal, and Felix Partz. Cover art "Eye of a Shadow," by Jock Truman. Essays " 'Aller et Retour,' Pen Pals Face to Face," by unattributed artists; " 'Aller et Retour,' Eyewitness Account," by unattributed artists. Contents "State of the Union"; "The New Fad"; "Vision With Vibration"; "Fleeing the Studio"; "This is Another Road"; "New Family Circle"; "Climax of Ceremony"; "V.I.P. Treatment"; "Surprising Exodus"; "Taking Care of Guests"; "Art And A Puppy Dog's Tale"; "Act In Art: You Cannot Say Some Things As Well As You Can Show Them"; "Enthusiastic Young Visitors"; "Solemn Meeting"; "Gimmicks, Girls and A Giant Art Lesson"; "Working Household"; "Billboard"; " 'Has The Sun Stopped Rising?'," by unattributed artists. Editorials "To Whom It May Concern," by William Burroughs; "Homely Details of Everyday "LIFE,"" by unattributed artists; "Artist's-Eye View," by Monte Cazazza; "Beast Scandal," by Clayton Bailey.