Fall 1975 issue of Art-Rite, on Performance, edited by Edit deAk and Walter Robinson. Contents include: "Warm-Up," by David Antin; "Ralston Farina," by A.R.; "A Few Things We Know About Her," by John Howell; "Performance: A comment from Outside," by Jeremy Gilbert-Rolfe; "Performance: State of the Art in Arts," by John Howell; "Camoflage: Films by Holt & Horn," by Lucy R. Lippard; "The Chorus Line: Role, Style, Media," by Walter Robinson; "Dance: Orderly Pleasures," by John Howell; "Notes on 'Painter/Patient' Performance (Not Realized): Paris, July-August, 1975," by Diego Cortez; and "Charlemagne Palestine." Cover: Joseph Beuys.