Printed Matter [founded by Sol LeWitt, Edit deAk, Lucy Lippard, Carl Andre, Pat Stein, Walter Robinson, Robin White - with a board that also had Ingrid Sischy, Carol Adroccio, Amy Baker, Clive Phillpot, and Howardena Pindell] is the world's venerable distributor of artists' books - from 1976 through 1986 it issued an annual catalogue of all it's inventory - 1000s of artists' books, artists' periodicals, artists' audioworks, and other artists' publications. By 1988 the catalogues became supplemental in nature - smaller in nature and documenting only tiles received since the last catalogue with little to no backlist titles. The 1981 catalogue was one of the largest that Printed Matter published - most titles, most number of pages, etc., it also includes essay by Edit deAK.