This issue of Franklin Furnace''''s periodical "The Flue," edited by Deborah Drier. Designed by John Copoulos. Cover by Louise Lawler. "(Con) Text: Update on the Collection/International Mail Art" by Jill Medvedow; "Love, Death and Freedom in Roumanian Dadaism and Surrealism" a poetical essay by Valery Oisteanu; "Russian Avant-Garde Book Design" by Gail Harrison Roman; "Sterilization/Elimination: Chilling "Homage" to Genocide" by Anne Pitrone; "Performance Criticism: Studying Mad Pursuit" by Barbara Baracks; artists'''' pages by Agnes Denes, Beverly Feldmann, David Hammons and Dawoud Bey, Dieter Froese, Kay Hines, Stephanie Brody Lederman, Jack McCaslin, Ana Mendieta and Jack Parker. Interviews on the pitfalls of documenting performance art with Linda Burnham, John Howell, and Bill Gordh, calendar insert, Franklin Furnace news.