Issue number nine of the bi-annually published periodical F.R. David. Edited and designed by Will Holder. Essays "Letter to a Funeral Parlour," by Lydia Davis; "Often I am permitted to return to a meadow," by Robert Duncan; "Practical Stylistics (Chapter 3)," by H.G. Widdowson; "the art of the diff," by Chris Mann; "Appendix: Letter to a Canadian Film-maker," by Stan Brakhage; "Various Pages from 'Pine Furniture of Early New England,'" by Russell Kettell; "Maslin Soda Bread," by Dan Lepard; "Poetry and the Film," by Maya Deren, Henry Miller et al.; "Props. For Memorizing the Gravity of Mime Objects," by Adam Chodzko; "The Maximus Poems (3 Poems)," by Charles Olson; "Editorial Queen," by Charles Schultz; "The Search for 'Prime Words,'" by Marjorie Perloff; "Mannerist Bollards," by Hilary Koob Sassen; "Night Walk," by Jackson Mac Low; "Puzzle Page"; "Living Truthfully Under Imaginary Circumstances," by Kirschner/Panos; "Trying to Learn," by Lydia Davis; "Letter to the Editor," by Cid Corman; "Rites of Participation," by Robert Duncan; "This Condition," by Lydia Davis; "The Discarnation," by C.H. Sisson. "Published twice-yearly by 'de Appel' arts centre, Amersterdam - F.R. David focuses on the status of (reading and) writing in contemporary art practice. Writing as a mode that informs and feeds, supports and describes, backs up and interprets, comments and reflects upon artistic production. Writing as the core-material of certain artists but equally as a mode that exists parallel to or in service of the visual." -- publisher's statement.