Issue edited by Al Goldstein. Essays "Screw You: Another Great Editorial," by Jim Buckley; "Stud in the Spotlight: Lights, Camera, Hardon!" by Al Goldstein, Pete Dvarackas, and Gail Bryce; "Do Women Like Big Cocks? Can You Measure Up?" by Maggie Jenkins; "Hard-Core Soft Dick," by Jo-Ellen Seeger; "Sex Scene: Candy-Assed Spunk Flaked Streamlined Baby," edited by Bruce Davis; "Shitlist," by Al Goldstein; "Raunchy Rejects," by Mala Droit; "Fuckbooks: Mean Niggers Run Amok," by Michael Perkins; "Californication Comes of Age," by Brian Eppworth; "Dirty Diversions: Least Horizon," by Al Goldstein; "Naked City," by Anthony Gambino; "Mail Order Madness," by John Milton.