Issue edited by Al Goldstein. Essays "The Iconography of Cruelty : Barton Benes," by Josef Bush; "The Man Who Measured 800 Tits," by Edward Felipe; "Pornographic Peruvian Pottery," by Bob Cousins; "Fuckbooks : Horatio Alger Meets the Load from Outer Space," by Michael Perkins; "Homosexual Citizen : How Many Heads Could a Headshrinker Shrink if a Headshrinker Could Shrink Heads?" by Lige and Jack; "Rock and Raunch," by Hank Arlecchino; "The Sex Scene," edited by Ken Gaul; "The Liberated Woman : Adultery for Adults," by Mara Mills; "Dirty Diversions," by Al Goldstein; "Naked City," by Peter Ogren; comic by John Caldwell; "Shit List," by Al Goldstein; "Watson's Weirdness," by Christopher Watson.