Issue edited by Al Goldstein. Essays "[Blue] + [Yellow] = Green $$$ : An Interview with the Director of I Am Curious," by Dan Mouer; "Hookah Heaven : or Splentor and the Grass," by Dot Smith; "Mod Donna : The First Feminist Play," by Al Goldstein and Mary Phillips; "Orgy on D.C. Mall," by Walter Brett; " 'Fuck Me Now or I'll Chop Your Head Off' : Feminists through the Ages," by John Paul Hudson; "Homosexual Citizen : Cocks on the Rocks," by Lige and Jack; "Rock 'n Raunch," by Hank Orlecchina; "Fuckbooks : Pedophilia for the Masses," by Polly Holden; "Dirty Diversions : Mini-Skinema," by Dan Mouer; "Naked City," by Peter Egron; comic by John Caldwell; "Shit List," by Al Goldstein; comic by John Thomas; "The Eclipse," comic by Olsen.