Issue edited by Philip Leider. Essays "The New York School in Los Angeles," by Philip Leider; "Jackson Pollock," by Michael Fried; "The Biomorphic Forties," by Lawrence Alloway; "An Interview with Matta," by Max Kozloff; "The Club," by Irving Sandler; "Postscript: The Forties," by Robert Goodnough; "An Interview with Robert Motherwell," by Max Kozloff; "Color-Light in Mark Rothko," by Max Kozloff; "The Figure in Abstract Expressionism," by Sidney Tillim; "An Interview with Friedel Dzubas," by Max Kozloff; "The Second Generation," by Barbara Rose. Front Cover: Dennis Hopper. Back Cover: Franz Kline, Barnett Newman, Willem de Kooning, Philip Guston.