Issue edited by John Irwin. Essays "Discussion: Diebenkorn, Mullican, Woelffer"; Richard Diebenkorn, Lee Mullican, and Emerson Woelffer in conversation with Frederick Wight, Gifford Phillips, "The Art of Easter Island," by David Gebhard; "The Graphic Art of Max Beckmann," by Stephan Lackner; "Three Los Angeles Artists," by John Coplans; "The Problem of the 'Original Print,'" by Virginia Allen. Reviews by John Coplans, Virginia Allen, James Monte, E.M. Polley, Betty Breckenridge, Joanna C. Magloff, Helen Giambruni, Sidney Gordin, Ernest Mundt, Andy Rocchia, Marlan Miller, R.G. Wholden, Douglas McClellan, Constance Perkins, I.E. Desenberg, Donald Factor, Henry T. Hopkins, Joan Hugo, James Mcmenamin, S.C. Schoneberg, John Reuschel, George Baker, Monte Hartman, Louis McCann, Philip Leider.