Issue edited by Jack Bankowsky. Essays "Q & A: David Colman on Cybersalons," by David Colman; "Books: Andrew Hultkrans on Mark Leyner's Hyper Text," by Andrew Hultkrans; "Brian Massumi on Nicholas Negroponte's 'Being Digital,' Michael Hammer and James Champy's 'Reengineering the Corporation,' Emily Martin's 'Flexible Bodies,' and John Naisbitt's 'Global Paradox,'" by Brian Massumi; "Books: R. U. Sirius on James Brook and Iain Boal's 'Resisting the Virtual Life,'" by R. U. Sirius; "Film: David Rimanelli on Douglas Keeve's 'Unzipped,'" by David Rimanelli; "Real Life Rock: Mim Udovitch's Top Ten," by Mim Udovitch; "Letter from Venice," by Allan Schwartzman, Jean-Pierre Criqui, Jan Avgikos, and Peter Plagens; "Letters from Venice: Boris Groys on Jean Clair's 'Identity and Alterity,'" by Boris Croys; "Doing Life," Nan Goldin talks with Danny Lyon; "A Flash... Then Night: Beat Streuli's Photographs," by Giorgio Verzotti on Beat Streuli; "Critical Reflections," by Thierry de Duve with an Introduction by Jeff Wall; "Danger Dirty Data: A Project for Artforum," by Julia Schor with an Introduction by Andrew Hultkrans; "Arshile Gorky: How My Mother's Embroidered Apron Unfolds in My Life," by John Ash; "How Like a Goddess," by Thyrza Nichols Goodeve talks with Sandy Stone; "Openings: Kathleen Schimert," by Jan Avgikos; "Focus: 'Rites of Passsage,'" by Simon Watney. Reviews by Giorgio Verzotti, Barry Schwabsky, Neville Wakefield, Joshua Decter, Bruce Hainley, Faye Hirsch, Donald Kuspit, Kirby Gookin, Ingrid Schaffner, Thad Ziolkowski, Keith Seward, David Levi Strauss, Nicolai Ouroussoff, RoseLee Goldberg, Francine Koslow Miller, Michael Corris, Maria Porges, Andrew Perchuk, Amy Gerstler, Laura U. Marks, Menene Gras Balaguer, Marco Meneguzzo, Hans Rudolf Reust, Christian Kravagna, Yilmaz Dziewior, Marek Bartelik, Sabine Vogel, David Batchelor, and Azby Brown. Cover: Katharina Fritsch.