Issue edited by John Irwin. Essays "Gorky," by Lawrence Alloway; "Viennese Expressionism," by Herschel B. Chipp; "The Plastic Art of the Yoruba," by Robert M. Ariss; "Otto Nebel," by Kate Steinitz; "Noland, Louis, Olitski in Canada," by Gerald E. Finley; "Martin Baer," by Harold La Vigne. Reviews by Harold La Vigne, John Coplans, E.M. Polley, James Monte, Arthur Bardo, Betty Breckenridge, Therese T. Heyman, P. Burnham, Constance Perkins, Douglas McClellan, Arthur Secunda, Donald Factor, R.G. Wholden, Joan Hugo, S.C. Schoneberg, Henry T. Hopkins, Virginia Allen, Philip Leider. Cover: Egon Schiele.