Issue edited by Ingrid Sischy. Essays "Ulrich Rückriem: The Monumental Ritual," by Ted Castle; "The 1979 Dime Store Figurine," by Mike Glier; "The Barren Flowers of Evil," by Komar and Melamid; "Towards a Theory/Practice of Painting," by Paul Rodgers; "Urban Nature: The Work of Maria Nordman," by Germano Celant; "Ian Wilson, For Example: Texts on Words," by René Denizot. Reviews by Nancy Foote, Brooks Adams, Colin L. Westerbeck, Jr., Carrie Rickey, Shelley Rice, Maureen Connor, Deborah Perlberg, Christopher Knight, Joanna Frueh, Richard Armstrong, Richard Flood, Mary Stofflet. Cover: One photograph from a series of six photos of a condition at The University Art Museum, Berkeley, June 21, 1979, one cycle.