Issue edited by Ida Panicelli. Essays "Object," Alessandro Mendini on Design; "Like Art," Glenn O'Brien on Advertising; "Ground Up," Herbert Muschamp on Architecture; "Here, There & Otherwise," John Welchman on Elsewhere; "Curies' Children," Vilem Flusser on Discovery; "Between the Lines," Dan Cameron on Criticism; "Books," Melissa Harris on Dance and Photography; "Working Watteau," by Mike Glier; "Body Building," by Mario Pisani; "Vanishing Act: Philippe Thomas," by Claudia Hart; "Borrowed Shoes," Suzanne Bloom and Ed Hill; "Diffusions: A Project for Artforum," by Susan Rothenberg; "The History of X," by Mary Josephson; "Under the Singing Eucalyptus Tree...," by Susan Freudenheim; "Bruce Charlesworth and the Case of the Missing Hero," by Charles Hagen. Reviews by Claudia Hart, Charles Hagen, Christian Leigh, Susan Freudenheim, Susan Freudenheim, Bruce Charlesworth, Donald Kuspit, Kirby A. Gookin, Christian Leigh, Michael Tarantino, Dennis Cooper, Carlo McCormick, Patricia C. Phillips, John Miller, John Howell, Barbara Kruger, Kate Linker, John Yau, Ronny Cohen, Jude Schwendenwien, Howard Risatti, Glenn Harper, Laurie Palmer, Bill Berkson, Colin Gardner, Alessandra Mammì, Pier Luigi Tazzi, Jole de Sanna, Max Wechsler, Daniel Soutif, Helmut Draxler, Ingrid Rein, Martin Hentschel, and Adrian Searle. Cover: Bruce Charlesworth.